Sweetiepie Restaurant-NY
Sweetiepie Restaurant located at 19 Greenwich Ave, NY, NY is appeasing on two very important levels for me. The first is of course with its delightfully girly decor, and the second with its sweet indulgences catering to my very naughty sweet tooth! Mmmmmm, heaven!
They also feature a full menu including “Grilled Alaskan Salmon”, “Beat Risotto”, and “Chicken Schnitzel”! For dessert you will enjoy such treats as the “Sweetiepiglet”, and the “Blueberry Fool”.
I love the tufting on this banquette. I actually did something similar for a client’s apartment and that is how I found out abut this place. She said “You have to go to Sweetie Pie, the banquettes look just like the one in my apartment!”
Mirrored ceilings and walls make the space so bright and reflective and really give the space that “sparkle” we designer’s are always after!
You can actually sit and eat in that giant birdcage in the front of the restaurant! SO much fun! And of course I love the bubblegum pink!
Sweetpie even comes with cute bartenders! Good thing I’m married, otherwise I might be a little self conscious stuffing my face full of cupcakes in front of Cutiepie! 😉