The Hampton Designer Showhouse 2011

This weekend is the opening of The Hampton Designer Showhouse which is not only the best showhouse of the year, but also includes one of my favorite design teams, Tilton Fenwick, who created one of the most stunning “rec rooms” i’ve seen in ages.  This, of course, is my opinion only from the few photos I’ve seen online so I can only imagine what it looks like in person.  I can’t wait to get in there and take it all in!  The show opens this Sunday, July 24 and is open through September 4.  If you’re looking for inspiration or simply something to do this summer, I highly suggest making the trip to Bridgehampton

1224 Scuttle Hole Road, Bridgehamtpon, NY

Sneak peek of the room designed by Tilton Fenwick.  How fabulous are those pagoda lanterns?

One more detailed photo by TF.  I don’t want to give too much away!

I look forward to seeing the crowd this weekend and for those who don’t live nearby I’ll be posting plenty of pictures after I see the show in person.  Stay tuned for some fabulous design